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Lucky Camera Straps

Lucky Camera Straps are made in Bendigo, Australia from the highest quality leathers and have a lifetime guarantee. Their factory has been producing high end leather goods for over 30 years so you can count on your new camera strap to outlast your camera!

Leather Camera Straps

With 30 years of experience manufacturing high-end leather goods, your Lucky camera strap will likely outlast your current camera. Think of it as a friend for life!

Lucky Camera Straps Features

Lucky incorporate some superb features in their camera strap design:
1) Attach and detach it easily in seconds
2) Anti-theft webbing, resistant to cutting
3) Load tested to 50+ kg (115+ lbs.)

Leather Camera Wrist Strap 

A Lucky wrist strap is the perfect choice to make sure you and your camera never part ways accidentally, even if you trip or fall! Lucky wrist straps for cameras feature soft leather and are supremely comfortable to use, and rugged enough to withstand heavy use
1) Forget about wrapping your regular strap around your wrist
2) 30 mm (1ʺ and 3/16ʺ) wide
3) Choose traditional ends or Quick-Release System
4) Anti-theft Dyneema® cut-resistant webbing
5) Safety lock for secure travel
6) Load tested to over 50 kg (115 lbs.)
7) Flexible one-size-fits-all design
8) Perfect for Mirrorless, DSLR, and even large and medium cameras

    Best Leather Camera Strap

    Lucky use only premium full-grain leather to make its straps. Pros know that high-quality leather makes the most durable camera straps.
    Choose traditional ends or Lucky’s Quick-Release System, all Lucky straps fit cameras with 10 mm webbing slots (Canons) or triangular rings (Sony, Nikon, etc.).
    Luxurious leather camera straps by Lucky are the perfect accessories – get yours, or get one as a gift for a friend! They’ll love you for it.
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