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Lens Filters

Lens filters are essential for photographers not just only to change colour or add special effects to the picture or light dynamics but also because it protects the camera lens from an outside source of damage, it also helps with some artistic effects or enhancements with minimal to no use of Photoshop.
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Lenses can enhance colours or reduce any reflections too!

Hypop has a variety of lens filters that are suitable for your photography needs such as UV, Neutral Density, Circular Polarising, Graduated Filters and more.

We offer popular and quality brands such as Nisi, Kenko, Haida, Hoya and more. We also have cleaning kits, soft cases and pouches for lens filters mainly offered by the Nisi brand. We also offer filter holders so you can change between filters with no hassle. We also offer Nisi brand wires for shutter release. Perfect for your on the go setup - landscape, wildlife, aerial, sports/action, architectural, wedding, fashion and more.

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