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Top 5 Tips when using the OrangeMonkie Foldio Light Tents

Last Updated 19th March 2018

The OrangeMonkie Foldio set up is the hottest studio lighting tent out there right now, for both professional photographers and eCommerce start ups.

We get a lot of questions about the best way to utilise these little beauties, so we put together a Top 5 Tips, including other ways to use your Foldio! Check them out below:


  1. Use a camera tripod or phone bracket tripod to keep your images consistent and aid with post production - we recommend the Joby GripTight Gorillapod Pro https://www.hypop.com.au/products/joby-griptight-gorillapod-stand-pro-for-smartphones )

  2. If you're using you smartphone to photograph the items, there are a few different apps you can choose from - the OrangeMonkie has it's own app ( http://orangemonkie.com/foldioapp/ ) , but you can also use the standard camera app that comes with your phone!

  3. You can use your OWN backdrops! Foldio provide the measurements required, so get out there and create something custom!

  4. Use velcro patches on the LED strips for the Foldio2! The LED strips come with a double sided tape already attached ready for you to place them to the top of the inside of the box, but we've used velcro stickers instead so we can move the LED lights around as the product needs!

  5. The Foldio doesn't need to stay in the same position! Move the box onto it's back so you can set up some flat lays ;)


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