Backgrounds provide variety and spice to a lot of photographs. Luckily, Hypop supplies a wide array of studio backgrounds. They come in a range of colours and a spectrum of grey scale levels ranging from black to white. One particular background Hypop provides is a Chroma key green. What’s so special about it? It enables you to work magic in the computer by removing the background and substituting an alternative in programs like Photoshop and Paint Shop Pro. You can do it with a white background though, and many digital artists prefer working on a white background initially.
White is not the only colour with a special purpose. Black backgrounds are particularly useful in producing great effects when the subject’s hair is relatively lighter in colour, as what we can see in the photo here:
The great thing is that you can trust Hypop for everything you need, even the stands. I myself use its ceiling mounted track and pantograph mounts. (See the range at You can go with floor standing systems if you want portable ones. Ceiling mounted systems are good if you want to avoid clutter on the floor, which is also important now that we’re more concerned about safety.
The possibilities are endless. You can rely on the trusty essentials Hypop can offer coupled with your creativity, and a little knowledge on photo editing to create unique and exciting images.