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Hypop Snapchat - An Interview with Anika Sweet, Food & Product Photographer.

Last Updated 23rd October 2018

1.ย You have 50 words to share with us your life up to this point - what parts would you focus on as being the most important?


My name is Anika, I am 20 years old. I am on a wild journey of working out how to turn my passion into my career and I am having an absolute ball in the process. Up until now Iย thought I wanted to be a dietitian, but I have found my passion in social media marketing and photography โ€“ particularly my food Instagram @nutritionally.me. Now I have started my own marketing business โ€“ Bamboo Projects โ€“ where I manage social media and marketing campaigns for various businesses.

2. Tell me about a project or accomplishment that you consider to be the most significant in your career.


Every time I sign a new client or start a new project I get ridiculously excited. Truthfully, I put my heart and soul into every project and collaboration, so, every single one of these is a significant achievement that I am incredibly proud of.

3. If a kid walked up to you asking for your advice and you only had a few minutes to give โ€˜em your best tip, what would it be?


Donโ€™t take yourself too seriously and donโ€™t rush yourself! I spent high school and my first two years at uni worrying about what I wanted to study and then what I wanted to do with my degree. It was when I stopped stressing and started saying yes to the opportunities that came my way that things started falling into place.

4. How do you use the product/s you've purchased from us, and why did you choose them?


As a photographer, good lighting is key! I canโ€™t always rely on the weather to be on my side so I bought a beautiful Aurora LED ring-light from Hypop to be my safety net when I am photographing in less than optimal lighting. It gives me natural lighting where and whenever I need and it has saved my butt a couple of times!

5. Where can we go to check out your work?


You can find my work on Instagram in a couple of places. My food and product photography can be found @nutritionally.me and my marketing business can be found @bambooprojects. If you are interested in working with me, or asking me any questions, donโ€™t hesitate to send me a message!


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